Monday, May 7, 2012

Play Fragment I: "What Clams Are"

            (Found on a pot by Mrs. Ho.  Handwritten in red ink on yellow lined paper.)

[GEORGE?]:  . . . too.

SALLY:  I have to ask my father . . .
before.  I must take care lest s[---]. . .

GEORGE:  Talk, talk, talk.  Let . . .
there’s a cannon aboard; and I’m . . .

SALLY:  Oh, George; the . . .

GEORGE:  I mean them. . . . 

SALLY:  That’s what you of[fer?] . . .
men have offered to give me . . .
you’re the one to trust.

GEORGE:  Faith.  Like m[---] . . .
Like the faith of the clam . . .

SALLY:  What clams are . . .